We hear a lot about Vitamin D and its importance. Isn't it something we get from the sun? What is the connection to calcium and why is it important to have both? Why should we consider supplementation?
What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that is required for good health. It plays multiple roles in the body. Our body needs Vitamin D in order to absorb calcium for good bone health. Therefore it is important to have both Vitamin D and calcium.
How Do We Get Vitamin D?
We get Vitamin D from the sun, right? It is true that the natural process is for our skin to use UVB rays to synthesize and produce Vitamin D. The challenge for those of us living in the northern hemisphere is that most of us are only able to get enough sun to do this in the summer months. This means that for 6-9 months of the year we are not getting enough sun for this process to take place. This is why the Vitamin D levels of so many people are low in the northern hemispheres.
How Can I Check My Vitamin D Levels?
You can check your Vitamin D levels with a laboratory blood test.
If you find that your levels are low, we recommend a good quality supplement. At OPS Clinics we recommend Innate Choice OmegA+D Sufficiency to get your Vitamin D as well as a good quality fish oil. Stop in today to get your bottle.
Stenzel Chiropractic Clinic Information:
Mapleton Office: (507) 524-4000